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Remembrances > Frederick and Peters Pike crossroad
Frederick and Peters Pike crossroad
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charley joe
2 posts
Apr 11, 2012
5:21 AM
I was very young not yet in school yet when my parents and 8 brothers and sisters lived in an old wooden farmhouse high on a hill on the corner of Frederick and Peters Pike.

My parents and the old farmhouse are long gone..and brick condos have sprouted where the cornfields blowing in the soft summer wind used to grow, but it doesn't matter. I can go back to the farm in my mind and still see vividly my father coming in with a fresh pail of milk, hear my mothers voice calling us all in for supper and the laughter of my brothers and sisters. Funny I don't remember a store bought gift; my parents and family were the real presents..and they wrapped us up with love.
93 posts
Apr 14, 2012
2:53 PM
I can imagine those wonderful memories are very special to you.Thanks for sharing!
luv my dayton
128 posts
Sep 08, 2012
7:18 AM
Thats a beautiful drive through there and when going to the airport choose to drive that way rather than the highway. Seems to take less time and always end up getting to airport way too early. Should be getting really gorgeous this time of year when leaves start turning. Hope plats and other construction doesn't mess up that area.
1 post
Aug 30, 2013
5:37 PM
I remember the farm very well. And Moomaws fruit/produce stand.

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