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Remembrances > Wampler's Barn
Wampler's Barn
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24 posts
Sep 28, 2011
10:44 AM
Do you remember this area where many proms and special school dance events took place in the 40/50's? It was beautiful for its time. I'm really dating myself but the memories are great.
322 posts
Oct 03, 2011
10:15 AM
This is the same place that later became Wampler's Ball-Arena, yes?
4 posts
Jun 04, 2012
7:28 PM
I remember Wampler's Barn very well. One night in 1944 when leaving a dance we didn't stop where the lane ended on Wolf Road. We ended up a foot deep in mud in a freshly plowed field. When we opened the door to get out we stepped into the mud and when we closed the doors we swept the mud inside.
It was a night to remember.
luv my dayton
126 posts
Sep 08, 2012
7:11 AM
My prom in 1960-61 from Fairmont was held at Wamplers and believe many other schools held theirs there.Think also my 10yr. reunion may have been there.Now it is used mostly for events like the gun show and hamvention.Haven't been out that way in years and should just take a drive out for old times sake.
7 posts
Jan 13, 2013
10:45 PM
After taking ballroom dance classes at the Y in Dayton our group would go to Wamplers on Saturday evenings. It was not uncommon to dance to bands like Guy Lombardo, Sammy Kaye and many other famous groups. The Ballarena had three sides and each side would have a different orchestra. You could dance from one area to the next and it was all so much fun. Does anyone remember Clancey Burroughs from the Y who taught ballroom dancing?
54 posts
Feb 28, 2013
10:45 AM
The Wampler's barn and the Ball-ar-rena are 2 different buildings. The Barn was down a lane in the middle of the fruit trees. The Ball-ar-ena is on Turner Rd.(?) or Shiloh Springs Rd.(?). I remember going to the Barn when top rock & roll groups came to visit. I think I saw The Four Seasons there once. The Barn was wide open to the stars with all the windows and doors open wide and the music was flowing out into the night. I think these dance nights were called "Open Houses".

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