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Dayton Memories > Wildcat Coaster at Lakeside
Wildcat Coaster at Lakeside
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552 posts
Mar 19, 2015
8:33 AM
Does anyone have any memories of the Wildcat Roller Coaster at Lakeside Park? This was possibly the greatest coaster ever built.A true legend.It was small and short but what a thrill to Ride.
I remember the wheels would throw out sparks.
119 posts
Mar 19, 2015
5:48 PM
I rode it one time maybe a year or two before the park closed. The Wildcat was a Roller Coaster designed by Herb Schreck of the Philadelphia Tobogan Company. The Wildcat was fun to ride and was fast for a small Coaster, but I remember it beat the crap out of you. It was not very smooth, but still fun. Idora Park in Youngstown also had a Wildcat very similar to the one at Lakeside, and it was rated in the top 10 in the country. I miss the old fashion family amusement parks. Big parks like Kings Island put small parks like LeSourdsville Lake out of business. I got to the point I hate them. They're the Walmarts of Amusment Parks ! Sorry for the Rant but it had to be said ! LOL
120 posts
Mar 19, 2015
5:49 PM
PS I have an 8x10 picture of the Wildcat if your interested. I guess I could scan it and e-mail it anybody who wants it.
554 posts
Mar 20, 2015
4:49 AM
I will take a picture. I remember seeing a video of it on Public Television years back.
121 posts
Mar 20, 2015
3:51 PM
I need your e-mail newsnot
555 posts
Mar 21, 2015
6:29 AM
Thanks for sending
100 posts
Mar 22, 2015
6:46 AM
I was never a fan of roller coasters, but I do remember at one time, many years ago, Kings Island had the best one in the nation.

Any coaster gurus out there know which one is top dog in the nation now??
556 posts
Mar 22, 2015
7:10 AM
It was the Beast. Still the top dog in my opinion , but oh what I would give for a ride on the Wild Cat at Lakeside Park one more time!

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