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Dayton Memories > Who was your favorite morning radio team?
Who was your favorite morning radio team?
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32 posts
Jan 12, 2010
7:03 AM
My favorite morning team was a tie between Sean Scott with Dan Pugh (now Dan Patrick), and Kerrigan and Christopher, both teams on TUE.

Favorite running bit: Miami Valley Vice on Fridays during the Curry and Kale period in the mid-80s. I co-wrote them with Jeff Curry. Jeff and I did the voices of "Rocket" and "Nubbs." (As opposed to Crockett and Tubbs)
maxed out
136 posts
Jan 12, 2010
1:36 PM
Not really a team, but I used to make out listening to Big Jim Quinn on WING radio. I also loved Kirkie..
Ha cha cha cha
3 posts
Jan 15, 2010
6:51 PM
What happened to Dayton radio? I am 34 and I can kind of remember that WHIO had local talk shows in the afternoon - maybe 10 or so years ago. I think WING did also. But now it's all Rush and Boortz and all these guys basically talking about how great they thing they are and we have zero forum for local topics. What's worse is if you listen to WHIO in the morning for traffic/weather they say "We are news/talk 1290 whio" after every fricken word - it's unbearable. I won't even turn them on until I am actually stuck in the traffic jam - otherwise I listen to 700WLW because at least they have local talent with semi-local topics
Mike C
46 posts
Jan 31, 2010
7:23 PM
I agree to maxed out. I enjoyed morning DJ Steve Kirk and evening DJ Jim Quinn. Steve Kirk stayed here until he retired from WING and is living in Florida ( I had heard). I was mad a WHIO ( their competition for major AM ratings) who made a tape of Jim Quinn and sent it out to different radio stations. Jim Quinn was offered a job in Pittsburg PA. He did a great job in the evening slot.

Last Edited by on Jan 31, 2010 7:24 PM
77 posts
Mar 29, 2010
4:41 PM
I always enjoyed the King and Dorsey Show on WING. John King and Terry Dorsey kept your sides sore from all the laughter. They made famous the Babs Kaneven's Bar & Grill" in downtown New Carlisle, Ohio. Of course Babs was a ficticous place but that didn't stop many people from driving out to New Carlisle and asking residents the location of Babs Kaneven's Bar & Grill.
8 posts
Mar 29, 2010
4:49 PM
i liked gene by golly barry . remember nick powers and the powerhouse from wdao,also liked bob harper from old wing
296 posts
Mar 30, 2010
2:36 PM
I also loved Steve Kirk, too. My mom and dad listened to Lou Emm.
Riverdale Ghost
32 posts
Apr 17, 2010
2:32 AM
Wherever the car radio was set, usually WHIO regardless of who announced the time and news headlines.

Honest Communications Is The Foundation of Civilizations.
24 posts
Dec 14, 2010
1:47 PM
Z93 don't remember where they were. Remember they did a contest to get Duran Duran tickets you had to drive nude...well someone called the cops and the producer and the girl driving nude was put in jai.
7 posts
Dec 12, 2011
12:33 AM
Don't remember his name or which station but it was located somewhere around the Loretto Hotel.
He mentioned one morning that he had the coffee pot on and someone should stop by for a cup of coffee. ( He was joking.) I went down on my way to school ( Chaminade) and rang the night bell. They let me in and I got my cup of coffee and a tour of the station.
5 posts
Jul 04, 2012
2:53 PM
Went to high school in the 60's...STEVE KIRK all the way !! Patterson Co-op...class of 1968...I woke up to Steve Kirk every morning...radio by my bed woke me up...turned transistor radio on with ear plug...got ready for school and listen all the way to school.
1 post
Aug 15, 2012
5:49 AM
In reply to Mike C

"I was mad a WHIO ( their competition for major AM ratings) who made a tape of Jim Quinn and sent it out to different radio stations. Jim Quinn was offered a job in Pittsburg PA."

KQV in Pittsburgh was on the same frequency as WING at 1410KHz. We used a highly directional antenna pattern to protect interferance to WING and other 1410 stations, this caused the reception of KQV to be spotty in the Greater Pittsburgh area. The story from John Rook the Program Director, was that one night he was in his car and heard a song that was not on the KQV playlist, he continued to listen and found out that it was reception from WING, he like the energy of the DJ and contacted him the next day and Jim ended up moving to Pittsburgh. John Rook a year later moved to our sister station WLS in Chicago and as they say the rest is history
371 posts
Aug 15, 2012
1:00 PM
I don'r remember who it was that Mom and Dad had the radio tuned to in the early morning weekday hours as we all ate and dressed, but whoever it was played "bits" like the dieter's prayer that ended "Lawd, if ya love me, shet mah mouth!" and "Ajax Liquor Store" (or was it "ACE" liquor?) where an obviously intoxicated guy placed a long order for enough booze to refill a dry river, and when the clerk commented that he must be planning quite a party, he said: "No, I'm just trying to work up the nerve to go to confession". I also remember the novelty song played on that same station about "The one on the right was on the left and the one on the left was on the right and the guy in the middle was a Methodist."

Who were the hosts and what was that station?
maxed out
365 posts
Aug 15, 2012
2:10 PM
Allen.. Sounds familiar, My Mom & Dad listened to Lou Em & Winston Hoehner. My dad was hard of hearing so I could hear it early each morning while I was still in bed... I remember Lou Em and the gang broadcasting from Miami Beach each year while it was snowing and cold in Ohio... I thought, that can't be real, It's not that warm anywhere in the winter... Well, It was... I now live 50 miles north of Miami.
108 posts
Aug 15, 2012
2:48 PM
I remember the bit about "Babs Kaneven's Bar & Grill" in downtown New Carlisle.The big deal was a special of "Spam and noodles"on a certain night of the week!Some people that I knew believed the place really did exist and wondered why anyone would drive to New Carlisle just to eat Spam!It still makes me laugh!
2 posts
Feb 03, 2013
5:43 AM
Who remembers Jack Wymer's "Man on the Street" program? And on some Friday' s WHIO played the " Old Radio Game". You could win pizza for 2 from Vic Cassano & Mom Dionesi's Pizza Parlor for correct answers about old radio programs, personalities & music. One other program that was a precursor to talk radio was "Conversation Piece." A program before Dayton Flyers basketball games- "Fans in the Stands" with Vic Cassano as the host.
84 posts
Feb 03, 2013
1:30 PM
Dr. dave and the z morning zoo some time in the early 80's
76 posts
Feb 03, 2013
1:35 PM
Anyone remember what radio morning team had the bit about the Hiney Winery Company? Ran by the Hiney brothers, Big Red and Thor. Had a tag line about reaching for all the hineys you can get.It was a funny bit. I just can't recall who did it or what station.
95 posts
Feb 04, 2013
5:50 PM
AllenN71--"Ajax Liquor Store" was done by the 70s comedy team Hudson and Landry. I think they were DJs in LA. They did several albums, and had at least three or four routines that got airplay on top 40 stations back in the day. My favorite bit they did was called "Hippy and the Redneck".

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