luv my dayton
689 posts
Aug 07, 2014
6:19 AM
Does anyone remember this great Tv show that started about 9am. It was a morning of humor, singing, guests and overall silliness. Was in Cincinnati. Paul actually seemed to go down hill healthwise after the death of his son in a car accident and died a few years later. Another program that WLW had that had to have made them bundles of money and made them a major contender in the world of TV.
202 posts
Aug 07, 2014
7:04 AM
We were rarely able to get WLW on our TV so we hardly ever were able to see Paul "Baby" Dixon. But I know he was well thought of.
245 posts
Aug 07, 2014
7:53 AM
My mom won a sewing machine on the Paul Dixon show.
183 posts
Aug 07, 2014
4:28 PM
I was quite young, but I do remember the show. Back then, WLW-D (now WDTN) carried his show here in Dayton. It was where (I think) Bonnie Lou and Marion Spellman got their start before they went to Bob Braun's show. Since I was rather young. I never got why Mom didn't think highly of his one routine where he took a pair of binoculars and scanned the legs of the ladies in the front row. A little edgy for morning TV back then! Those of us who remember the Kinley Players. The various actors that were a part of that tour each summer would make a compulsory stop at his show. I remember when he died and I read his obit article. When it got to where it listed "survived by...". Being naive, I thought that meant he had somehow survived and was still around! Go on laugh. I do looking back at it.
The state of mid morning TV now is nothing like it was back then.
luv my dayton
692 posts
Aug 07, 2014
7:07 PM
By comparison you woke up back then and were entertained in the beginning of everyday had some laughs and rest of day seemed to go well. Nothing like that now as were being hammered with the most horrible news and trash tv with the dysfunctional people putting their insanity before the country and proud of it. And people think we're crazy for thinking the 50s and 60s were the best. Whatever! Went to his show once and do remember him doing the binocular thing. Anyone remember the chicken wedding? By the way Paul Dixon, Ruth Lyons and many more day time Tv shows from way back are found on u tube.
Last Edited by luv my dayton on Aug 07, 2014 7:25 PM
184 posts
Aug 08, 2014
4:02 PM
LMD. I dig some online digging and I'm wrong about Marion Spellamn. It was Colleen Sharp that was on the show with Bonnie Lou.
12 posts
Oct 18, 2014
6:35 PM
Paul Dixon would always talk about having to live in his dam(p) basement. I thought that was a pretty risque thing to say when I was a kid.
33 posts
Mar 12, 2015
7:25 AM
My mother "LOVED" Paul Baby Dixon. At the time WLW owned a few TV stations in the area. WLWD (Dayton), WLWC (Columbus), WLWI (Indianpolis) and WLWT (Cincinnati) or as Paul said "Tintinnati".
12 posts
Mar 23, 2015
9:52 AM
I used to look forward to being out of school sick to watch Paul Baby in the 60's. he was the self proclaimed "Mayor of Kneesville" when he did the binoculars thing looking at the front row of ladies knees. One of the memorable skits was the famous chicken wedding. Paul was the minister. He used to introduce Bonnie Lou and Colleen Sharp and would raise their arms so their skirts would raise up. I sure miss those days. Dayton and Cincinnati both had wonderful variety shows locally. I remember Johnny Gilbert in Dayton. He is still the announcer on Jeopardy today.
238 posts
Mar 23, 2015
2:48 PM
There are some videos of the show posted in YouTube if anyone is interested. Jogs the memory.