2 posts
Nov 01, 2013
10:46 AM
Was there a restaurant at the corner of 1st and Patterson (across 1st from Sears) called the Simple Simon or something like that?
Last Edited by dcrouch9 on Nov 01, 2013 10:46 AM
luv my dayton
434 posts
Nov 01, 2013
12:43 PM
A friend of mines family owned it and believe I was there a couple of times. Don't remember exactly where it was but do know it was when downtown Dayton was still alive and well, back in the 60s.There were many restaurants back then and not sure if there's any left except for fast food now.
Riverdale Ghost
397 posts
Nov 01, 2013
12:55 PM
The Simple Simon was on the southeast corner of Fourth & Jefferson, second door east of the corner.
CORRECTION: Third & Jefferson -- had two doors, one on Third and one on Jefferson.
Honest Communications Is The Foundation of Civilizations.
Last Edited by Riverdale Ghost on Nov 01, 2013 4:34 PM
3 posts
Nov 01, 2013
1:05 PM
The place I remember was in the vicinity of Sears. We used to park across Patterson, go to Sears then walk on to Rikes. We didn't go around the area of 4th and Patterson.
Last Edited by dcrouch9 on Nov 01, 2013 1:05 PM
87 posts
Nov 01, 2013
1:22 PM
Simple Simon restaurant was close to the SE corner on E. THIRD ST. at Jefferson St. I ate lunch there many times during the first half of the 1960's. I'd usually eat alone at the counter and watch the talented short order cook flip burgers on the grill.
Riverdale Ghost
398 posts
Nov 01, 2013
4:43 PM
You are absolutely right. I don't know why I said Fourth, especially since I was visualizing it as if walking to it on Third. (That's called a "senior moment.") I think Mayor Dave Hall's penthouse was the top floor.
I used to go there at least weekly in the mid-1950's. Had good stuff and a good cook then, too. ----------
Honest Communications Is The Foundation of Civilizations.
154 posts
Nov 02, 2013
1:09 PM
I believe it was Porky's at 1st and Patterson.
Last Edited by supersix on Nov 02, 2013 1:10 PM
99 posts
Dec 02, 2013
1:17 PM
Remembering the Simple Simon brings to mind a place around the corner on Jefferson St. called the Century Bar. I used to meet and drink with friends there in the early 70's. The establishment had a magnificent, ornate wooden bar. I don't live in Dayton anymore and wonder if the Century is still in business.
Last Edited by rdebross on Dec 02, 2013 1:19 PM
luv my dayton
478 posts
Dec 02, 2013
6:48 PM
Century bar still there.Went to cosmotology school downtown and used to grab lunch there. They had great Chili and burger's. That was back in the early 60's