Steve K
160 posts
Dec 20, 2009
11:24 AM
I used to go out there with Green Lyte Sunday probably after they wrapped up their shows at the Diamond Club.... probably around 1973-74.
12 posts
Dec 20, 2009
8:15 PM
anyone remember the 'mongoose' they used to have there?
Northridge Kid
63 posts
Dec 21, 2009
5:21 PM
I had forgot the mongoose till you metioned it lol. Yep he scared a lot of people with that.I remember one guy almost made a new door right thru one of the big glass windows in front.
13 posts
Dec 25, 2009
11:54 AM
scared the crap outta me too, afterwards, i took a lot of drunken compatriots up there after the bars closed.. everyone in the joint would gather round and watch every time someone new got 'initiated'. 'he's way down in the back corner there hiding, you gotta look real hard to see him', and then, POW!
6 posts
Apr 18, 2011
2:53 AM
I remember the mongoose too. Loved the donuts,and just hanging out for a while. I wish they had a place like that here in Utah where I live now.
Northridge Kid
103 posts
Apr 19, 2011
4:31 PM
Is this Paul Howard from Northridge ?
8 posts
Apr 19, 2011
9:19 PM
Northridge Kid. Nope. I went to Stebbins and grew up on N. Valley Street arrea.
378 posts
Apr 21, 2011
4:18 AM
PaulH ... I'n a Stebbins grad too!
236 posts
Apr 21, 2011
7:18 AM
Hey Stebbins guys - I hate the 'Do you know" questions but I'm gonna ask anyway. I worked at E F McDonald with a gal named JOY who lived on the same street as the old Drive-in near Stebbins - probably graduated about 67? Also a neighbor of mine in Fl was from Stebbins (grad abt 68?) - Ed Flannery, and then there were the twins I dated from Stebbins after they moved to Beavercreek.
9 posts
Apr 22, 2011
1:35 AM
I think I remember a girl named Joy Oaks or something like that. I grew up in that trailerr park next to that drive-in. Used to sneak in and turn up the speakers and watch free movies from the park side..BTW. I graduated in 65 and spent most of the late 60's in SE Asia. I don't mind the 'Do you know' questions.
4 posts
Jan 10, 2012
12:12 AM
Glad to see there are memories from Dixie Donut. Clarence was my Dad and he was a character. I worked there for many years. You could write a book from the stories that came out of there. It was the place to be for sure if you wanted to have fun.
Northridge Kid
106 posts
Jan 10, 2012
6:41 PM
Hi Sandy !!! I sure miss your dad.i I see Glen & Ron from time to time.I sure had a lot of goodtimes at Dixie Donut with Clarence.How are you doing ? This is Cecil .... Remember me ?
5 posts
Feb 07, 2012
9:44 PM
Hey Cecil. I'm pretty sure I know who you are. I always worked 1st shift so if you came in then - you know it was pretty crazy. Fun place wasn't it. If Dad pulled some of that stuff now he'd have one lawsuit after another. I'd seen him shoot quite a few people with that blank pistol. It's a wonder somebody didn't shoot him. How have you been? I see Glen about every other day but I haven't been in the shop since the day of Dad's funeral. Neighborhood has really gone down. Lot of good people went in there.
Bryan St.John
4 posts
May 08, 2012
10:40 AM
I worked there third shift when I was a teenager with Joe and Ron,However I was fired for smoking a doobie in the bathroom in the back while Joe was delivering LOL ( that was 30 years ago)
111 posts
Jul 26, 2013
10:38 AM
Clarence will be inducted into the Northridge Hall of Fame in October 2013.
6 posts
May 30, 2014
12:53 PM
I used to stop there about 2-3 times a week on the way home from my girlfriend's, or on the way home from the Diamond club. Sometimes there would be someone outside trying to sell me a watch.!!
Great doughnuts.
527 posts
Feb 13, 2015
8:03 AM
Copperhead, Welcome to Dayton History.
joey m
328 posts
Feb 13, 2015
9:02 AM
Copperhead if you were talking about Bill, he's been dead for more than a year.