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McDonald's Restaurants
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Steve K
108 posts
Sep 12, 2009
1:08 PM
from 1970 Dayton directory:

McDonald's Hamburgers
3918 Free Pike
1501 N. Keowee
3729 Germantown
offices 25 N. Clinton

from 1960 suburban directory:

McDonald's System Drive-In
2901 Wilmington Pike

this one doesn't show up in 1958 or 59... so 1960 was the first year it was listed!
140 posts
Sep 12, 2009
3:32 PM
hey guys. i found these posts under another thread so i moved them here so this crowd wouldnt miss them.

have a hard time remembering when certain things came into being in our lives like drive-up tellers, and for the LIFE of me, I can't remember the first McDonalds. We moved back to Beavercreek in 1960 from Memphis and I remember the Frisches, Parkmoors, Hasty Tastys, A&W's, Frostops, Vic Cassano's but NOT McDonalds back then. I KNOW there had to be some McDonalds around in the late 60's because when I moved to Ft Myers, FL in Jan 72 the local McDonalds was the local cruise hangout and it wasn't 'WOW - what's a McDonalds' so WHY can't I remember any in the Dayton area?? ...posted by tlturbo.

turbo...You are so right about McDonalds. I don't remember EVER eating at a McDonalds when I was a kid. We always ate at Burger Chef acrosss from Rikes Kettering, Burger King at Dorothy and Wilmington Pk., and of course Parkmoor, Hasty Tasty, A&W, Cassanos, Country Kitchen, Red Barn etc...at least in the 60s and early 70s I can't even think of where there were any. Living in Beavercreek, Kettering was pretty much where we went to eat and shop, since Beavercreek didn't have anything back then and I don't remember any in Kettering...posted by rfk61.

I have connections at McDonalds, my brother drives the local area Ronald to his personal appearances. According to the McD's website the first one in Toledo was 1963 and there was a least one in Cincinnati in 1968 - the fish sandwich was first served there. The first two in the Dayton area was one on Wilmington at Dorothy Lane in Kettering (which is still there and doing business) and the one on North Dixie Drive which has been boarded up for quite a few years. They were there in the early 60's, but not sure of the year they were built...posted byKeugene48.
285 posts
Sep 14, 2009
8:29 PM
I could still swear that i was in the McDonalds on Gettysburg just off Salem behind the church around 63- 64 and it looked very old at the time. maybe I got my years all mixed up. I can remember the hamburgers Sold sign being well under a Million though.
11 posts
Sep 15, 2009
7:42 AM
My first recollection of a McDonalds in this neck of the woods is on Salem, a bit further out than the Parkmoor, and on the other side of the street. Late 50s?
Burger $.15
Fries $.15
Coke $.15
Cheeseburger $.17
Fish sandwich $.25
Shake $.25
Steve K
110 posts
Sep 15, 2009
8:12 AM
2 cents difference between a burger and a cheeseburger? Aren't most places getting 50-60 cents for a slice of cheese these days? Hard to believe, guess that's what happens when you live too long .
8 posts
Sep 15, 2009
8:34 AM
I worked at a McDonalds on Kettering Blvd. across from the Frigidaire factory aka the Truck plant back in 67 and 68. It had been there for several years prior to my time. Steve K. a good rule of thumb is everything is 10x as expensive now as it was back then.
11 posts
Sep 15, 2009
9:53 AM
The first McDonalds I ate at was the one on Linden Ave across the street from Carroll High School. It has been remodeled and has been open all these years.
They have pictures inside showing the original building.
53 posts
Sep 15, 2009
1:09 PM
There is a newly built, old style McDonalds at Airway and Woodman. It's the old style 60's building with the arches built into it. No dining inside, just a counter and drive thru. The menu is period as well. No Big Macs or Quarter Pounders. Sadly the prices are current.
59 posts
Sep 15, 2009
2:14 PM
This list is from the area Ronald MacDonald himself...
have a list of Dayton area restaurants that have ther national store number with them. The lower the number, the older the store.

If I'm reading them right, this should be the order. We have to take into consideration that a few stores do not exsist anymore, like Lower Salem Ave and S. Dixie in Moraine.

Number Location
187 Wilmington Pike, Kettering
261 Linden Ave, Dayton
328 Free Pike, Dayton
441 East Main, Springfield
881 E. Main, Richmond
1101 Keowee St. Dayton
1444 S. Limestone, Springfield
1572 Kauffman Ave. Fairborn
2312 Harshman Ave, Dayton
3142 Central Ave. West carrollton
4660 N. Dixie Dr, Dayton
5174 Vandalia
5247 Stroop Rd, Kettering
6054 Scioto St., Urbana
6182 S. Smithville, Dayton
6959 Dayton, Lakeview Rd New Carlisle (Park Layne)
7364 Broad St., Fairborn

Hope you find this info helpful.
213 posts
Sep 20, 2009
1:19 AM
keugene48... from the looks of that list the oldest one thats still left is on wilmington pike...good info..thanks
7 posts
Dec 15, 2009
8:02 AM
We moved from Huffman Ave to 1379 Spaulding Road (dad called it STINK Rd) in Mad River Twp. Mom & dad built that house in 1963. I was 10 years old & can remember them building that McDonalds. All the guys that worked there were in the Air Force & worked their part-time. I would walk thru the field which is now Carroll HS parking lot to get some fries for me & my sister after school.
59 posts
Dec 18, 2009
1:25 PM
I don't think there was ever a McDonalds at 4660 N. Dixie Dr. There was one on North Dixie across from the old Northridge High School, but that address is in the 5000 numbers. It is now torn down and replaced by a new one at York Commons Blvd. and North Dixie.
2 posts
Apr 06, 2010
12:39 PM
The first McDonald's I remember was the one on Linden. This was in the mid 60's with the old style arches and walk up window.
I also remember across the street or nearby was a place that had trampolines you could go on. They were strange because they were at ground level with a hole in the ground underneath. I can't imagine the injuries kids received, but mom heard that trampolines were bad for your kidneys so we were never allowed to go back.
15 posts
Feb 24, 2011
5:49 PM
I went to high school at Fairview and during lunch we would pile in this guy's car and go like a banshee from the school to the McDonald's on Free Pike. We only had a 1/2 hr. I was in school at Fairview between 1960 and 1964.
phil pixley
30 posts
Feb 25, 2011
2:57 AM
Nile-the trick was to take all three lunch periods(and not get caught)or if you did make up a big sob story.
44 posts
Feb 25, 2011
6:00 AM
The Kettering store on Wilmington opened in 1960 and the store on Free Pike was open in the 1963-64 era, so it appears that the McDonald's on Linden open between 1960 to 1963-64.

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