101 posts
Jan 04, 2010
3:19 PM
Here's a really recent one...
Flying back from Dayton to TX this past Dec 30, my wife and I got bumped up to first class where we had the "pleasure" of sitting behind 80's comedian "Gallagher" who was on his way to Tulsa for a New Years Eve gig. The guy was a complete and total jerk. He was abusive with the flight attendant and just plain rude to everyone sitting around him. I would expect that out of one of today's megastars. But a bitter, washed up nobody from the eighties? Jeez, if the guy hates people so much, why doesn't he charter a flight? I guess if he was that successful he wouldn't have had to work on New Years eve-in Tulsa Oklahoma, no less. Some people handle fame and success very well. Others...well you get the idea.
62 posts
Jan 04, 2010
6:46 PM
I was about 10 and my grandparents took me to Yendi's restaurant, across from the trap shoot in Vandalia. Roy Rodgers was eating at the next table. We didn't bother him.
26 posts
Jan 05, 2010
1:15 PM
Thanks for asking. I was a reporter and fill-in anchor at Newscenter 7. Before that, I worked at WING, WJAI/Z-93, WONE and WTUE. At WTUE, I teamed with John Beaulieu to replace Curry and Kale mornings. Curry and Kale replace Dan Pugh and his DJ. When I left for Ch. 7, we were eventually replaced by Kerrigan and Christopher and B-Man moved back to afternoon drive.
27 posts
Jan 05, 2010
1:20 PM
JohnC, I remember when Gallagher and Chevy Chase almost came to blows on the Tonight Show because Gallagher was being such an a$$. It was obvious they couldn't stand each other.
4 posts
Jan 05, 2010
4:24 PM
My husband was on "The House On North Main Street" which aired on the local television stations there in Dayton ... does he count? lol
We have since moved to NC where Richard Petty, Kyle Petty, & Tony Stewart spent several days outside our house taping a commercial. Our house was actually part of the commercial (Goody's Headache Powder ... Mr. Petty's Neighborhood) and it was a blast to spend 3 days seeing how they transform everything for a 30 second commercial spot. They came back and taped another 4 commercials right outside our home. It was great fun and enjoyed taking pictures and video of all the bloopers!
31 posts
Jan 11, 2010
8:42 AM
Just another Daytonian. Nobody would remember me, ha ha. I left Ch. 7 in 1992.
25 posts
May 07, 2010
1:14 PM
Well, you all may have your presidents, astronauts and movie stars but I've got Larry Flynt! So there. Seriously, back in about 1969 he was putting out a little rag called "Bachelor's Beat." This was way before Hustler and I think before he had his own club(s). He had a small office just across the river on Valley Street and needed a writer/photographer, primarily to go to "go-go" joints and talk to the ladies and do photo shoots with them. I got called back for a second follow up interview, but, alas, my dream of getting paid for what I was already doing for free never came to fruition. Ah, well. By the way, I remember him as being not at all what you might expect. He was very relaxed, friendly, couteous, and down to earth. Sometimes I've wondered how my life might have been different had I gotten the job and maybe ridden to the top on his coattails.
15 posts
May 07, 2010
10:47 PM
I met Dayton's Rock-n-Roll Mayor (Paul Leonard) in a bar in the early/mid-80's. I believe it was at the Marriott near NCR? If I remember correctly, he was a fellow Ohio U Bobcat.
3 posts
Aug 05, 2010
8:27 PM
There are some very good stories and memories here so let me add mine. I live in Cincinnati now but I traveled with a band during the early 80's. The keyboard player was Gary Simpson who had toured with the Ohio Players for a little while. At any rate when we took a job back home at the Fireside on Salem Ave Marshall from the Ohio Players came out to see Gary and we all partied together. Another brush that me and Gary had was an appearence on the Johnny Walker Show. Johnny was a hoot and a good guy. Lastly my dad in the mid 60's I believe worked on the amps for the McCoys. They bought them from Hauer Music and my family knew the Hauers for years. I still buy gear from them and and Gary still play in a band together and are both in our
70 posts
Oct 10, 2010
8:25 AM
I worked with Dave Coterel. He hit the Indiana Powerball a few years back for $314 million. He bought Buckminns Harley Davidson in Xenia. Someone posted in another thread about Malcolm McCloud being a high-end realtor in West Palm Beach. I saw where a $5.5 million St Pete home sold to Dave Coterel Sr. Wow...
7 posts
Oct 26, 2010
10:27 AM
When I was going to school at Van Buren Jr. High in Kettering, we would get incentives to get good grades. If we got on the Honor Roll, we would get Reds tickets. My sister used to drive us down to see the games, and afterwards we would wait outside their locker room to get autographs. I got Pete Rose, Joe Morgan, Dave Concepcion, Caesar Geronimo, Fred Norman, Johnny Bench, and a lot of others. I had a crush on Johnny, and always followed the team on radio and tv.
12 posts
Oct 27, 2010
6:14 AM
I don't know if this counts or not, but I went to high school with Nancy Cartwright who does Bart Simpson's voice. We were in the same graduating class of 1976 at Fairmont (West).
331 posts
Oct 27, 2010
8:57 AM
I remember in the early days of the Bengals we met Horst Muhlmann and Bill Bergey at some car lot. I don't remember which one ...
14 posts
Nov 07, 2010
1:16 PM
I'm way older than all the rest of you here. I was on a kids' TV show in Dayton with (I think this name is right) Kenny Roberts, the Jumpin' Singin' Cowboy! In the mid-1960s, I went to live and work at a wild animal ranch near Saugus, California. Africa USA had over 200 beautiful animals and a TV series, "Daktari" was filmed right there, almost every scene was just the ranch itself and not sets. Seeing the show's regulars didn't mean much but I did enjoy getting to see Bill Cosby (and the other guy) who starred in a TV series, the name of which I can't recall at the moment. ("I Spy," maybe.) They were filming on location there for just one episode. I'd been taught not to talk with or bother any of the actors but most of them were just regular people during lunch hour. Sonny and Cher filmed a scene there for a movie I don't know the name of or if it was ever released, come to think of it. The scene itself was really stupid but Sonny--trouper that he always was--good-naturedly wore an awful Tarzan costume and played up his skinny legs. Cher was just sort of there. The stars of "Daktari" were really the animal handlers who made the actors look good; they were who was impressive to watch work. Clarence the Crosseyed Lion belonged to that ranch but the only scenes he was ever used for were his closeups, to show his eyes. Another lion doubled him for everything else. Clarence wasn't able to learn anything but his eyes earned his owner some nice cash. Oh, 'just remembered Clarence had his own movie, too. Judy the Chimp was a star on "Daktari" and she'd do just about anything the trainers wanted her to but it was all with the understanding that when filming was done for the day, she'd get to smoke a cigarette. She'd throw a heck of a tantrum otherwise. The Kenley Players have been mentioned here and there were many actors who came to town for that who none of us would've seen otherwise, surely. Carol Lawrence played Fannie Bryce in "Funny Girl" and she was so good that I wrote a note to her, addressed to Memorial Hall, and to my great surprise, she wrote me a very gracious thank you note in response. I was so surprised that I've always kept it. Oh . . .I tried twice in my late teens to move to Southern California but I was never cool enough to live there permanently! I realized what a Buckeye I am and came to love my Midwestern-ness more ever year. I moved to Georgia when NCR moved part of itself there in 1973 and learned what a Yankee I am, also, and had to come back. Thank God I live here at HOME with all of the rest of you Dayton freaks!
Last Edited by on Nov 07, 2010 1:37 PM
8 posts
Nov 07, 2010
9:26 PM
My dad used to wash Bob Braun's car. I met Allan Eckert, famed author of "The Frontiersmen" series at a book signing at a Little Professor Book Store.
22 posts
Nov 08, 2010
1:27 AM
JBlair - Kenny Roberts was known as The Yodeling Cowboy. My mom was a big fan of his - I believe she had all of his albums - hence the reason I ended up being named Kenny. There is information on Wikipedia referencing his time in the Dayton area.
15 posts
Nov 08, 2010
11:45 AM
KennyE11, Thanks for the info on Kenny Roberts. I surfed him and on he's shown as The Jumpin' and Yodelin' Kenny Roberts. I'd forgotten all about his yodeling! He's also on 'Heard a 78 record of him singing "That Old Mountain Dew" on and found that your mom's naming you for him was well-placed. He really was quite a musician. I couldn't appreciate that part when I was a kid. Thanks again.
Last Edited by on Nov 08, 2010 11:47 AM
14 posts
Nov 25, 2010
7:01 PM
----------This is less than a brush with fame but all I have... in the mid 50's Hoppalong Cassidy came to Dayton. There was a big parade on Third Street, it went by the library but I don't know where else. I was a Bluebird (a junior Camp Fire Girl) and 5 or 6 years old and I got to march in the parade. But we never got to see, much less meet, Hopalong. However I will always remember seeing my dad walking the whole parade route, right where I could see him..........................
Keugene, I know where Hopalong Cassidy went that day! I was a patient at Barney's Children's Hospital with Spinal Tuberculosis (an extended stay) and though I didn't know he had come from downtown, he came to visit us kids in the hospital. It was very exciting for me, I was 4 or 5. Mike Harris Class of ' 69
124 posts
Nov 25, 2010
9:25 PM
Mike, that is so cool! This site is amazing for connecting people. Thanks Curt!
7 posts
Dec 10, 2010
12:04 PM
Lets see, back when Kenley players came around in the 70's, my mom went with a neighbor a few times and went to the after parties at Marions. She got Vincent Prices autograph, and a kiss from him! (The autograph, unfortunatley, was lost sometime ago.) I was on the 'Uncle Al' show with my girl scout troop. Also, at a Star Trek convention in Kentucky and met with and sat on James Doohans lap for a couple of pictures. The picture unfortunatley came out fuzzy, but it's still posted on the wall at my desk.
2 posts
Jan 09, 2011
2:43 PM
I grew up in Centerville. Kirk Herbstriet lived down teh street from me. He was a couple of years younger and would play football with us. One day his brother, who was a year older than me, invited his brother to go play football with him and his friends. Sinc ethey were older, they were bigger. I asked Kirk why was he going to play with them? He told me he was going to eb the quarterback at Ohio State someday. He was in the 1st grade maybe when he told me that!
36 posts
Jan 09, 2011
5:15 PM
I met Johnny Bench at his restaurant Home Plate right after it opened think in the '80. He came over to the table shook his hand and he autographed his menu. In fact I just sold it on ebay last year.
18 posts
Jan 12, 2011
11:08 AM
My few brushes with fame came because I was a bartender for many years in several different restaurants in the Dayton area. I was tending bar at a well known place back in the 70's where the owner was a friend of Pete Rose.I have to say he was one of the most arrogant people I have ever met!The first time I met him he came into the lounge with a woman hanging on each arm.Neither of them looked to be of a very high class if you know what I mean!That is beside the point I want to make. I walked up to the table after they were seated and asked what I could get for them.Instead of giving me their order he asked me if I wanted his autograph!I thought he was behaving like an ass so I said "no would you like to have mine?"He proceeded to give me the order and left no tip.This happened in 1978 but I never forgot how rude he was. On the other side of brushes with fame I have met some really nice people.One of my favorites was Lou Em.He was a regular at one of the places where I worked during the mid seventies.I got to know him pretty well and he was always very respectful and treated me well. Over the years I met many local celebrities.Most were TV news pepole or radio personalities. Johnny Walker loved a good debate and told great jokes! Jim Baldridge also was very nice as was his wife. Steve Kirk could be annoying but he was really a nice person once you got past the "radio" side of him. I was working at a restaurant in the Dayton Mall when "Victor and Nicki" from the Young and the Restless were doing their wedding tour.They ate lunch in a private room and I was one of the people who was invited to meet them.They were both nice enough to the staff.She ate a salad and drank water with lemon.He ate a steak and drank white wine.Don't know why I remember that......? I found that people are people whatever their station in life and will treat you according to how you present yourself to them.
F16 1UB
13 posts
Mar 17, 2011
8:12 AM
I was a soda jerk at the counter in the Biltmore Coffee shop. The Kenley Players and Sutmillers acts weere always coming in and sat at the counter. Guy Lombardo, John Forsythe, Little Richard, Curt Gowdy, Mel Torme. It was 1964/65. I was 15.
28 posts
Mar 19, 2011
3:27 PM
I didn't go to college until after I was married the first time, went back after my second marriage but never accumulated more than 3 years worth of credit hours. I learned a lot in many ways other than in the classroom, too. I was taking English Honors courses and loving it and writing some things that were published, and won some contests which paid, even. Heady stuff for a middleclass housewife. I was the only undergrad in a group of students who were invited to read two of our poems at a special session with a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, Galway Kinnell. He was at Wright State for a day or two but this was a round table with possibly a total of 12, including profs. I sat beside the guest-of-honor and scoped him out. He looked like some other profs I'd seen; seemingly unaware and/or uncaring about their appearance. His hair was dirty and unkempt, for one thing, but what really caught my eye was his white, long-sleeved, dress shirt. It was professionally cleaned, starched and pressed. (You know the ones I mean; with the folds ironed into them.) And one button wasn't buttoned. Right over his navel. He wasn't wearing an undershirt, either, so I was more than able to see that his belly button didn't look any different from hunreds of others I've seen. Pulitzer Prize or not, I wasn't intimidated by him or anything he said; I behaved as I do with everyone else. That was in the mid-80s and the experience continues to serve me well. If I meet someone with intimidating credentials, I picture Galway Kinnell's bellybutton and I'm able to hold my own every time!
Last Edited by on Mar 19, 2011 3:31 PM
13 posts
Mar 24, 2011
8:29 PM
I met flying ace Eddie Rickenbacker while at an awards banquet. I was in CAP providing the color guard. Whatta treat for a 15 year old!
22 posts
Dec 15, 2011
11:10 PM
Does giving a kiss to the wife of Johnathan Winters count? I shook his hand just before that. (It was at his wedding.) He married the daughter of my next door neighbor. Eileen Shouder. I went to both of Ben's daughter's weddings so she was one of them.
3 posts
Jan 30, 2012
8:39 PM
Traveled a great deal in/out of Dayton in the mid-80s, usually on TWA through St. Louis. Thanks to my TWA "Gold Card" I got upgraded to first class routinely and meet numerous celebs.
The most amazing celeb I ever met was Morgan Fairchild, sat next to her from St Louis to LAX. She sat down next to me and said, "Hi, I'm Morgan". I called her "Miss Fairchild", and she said with a smile, "No, call me Morgan." Totally unpretenious, very little make-up and extremely bright. Didn't agree with her politics, but she was very well informed and knew her stuff. She was on her way back to LA after having given testimony at a Congressional hearing. Beautiful woman, well spoken, and very down to earth.
Far and away the biggest jerk I ever met was Chuck Yeager. When a stew asked if a youngster could come up to 1st class to get his autograph, he relied. "Hell no, and get me another Scotch." Mind you, this was on the 9:30 am Piedmont direct flight from Dayton to LAX. The guy sitting next to me (across the aisle from Yeager) told him he was a "dick".
Others who I found to be very nice were Gene Rayburn, Bill Bixby, Ed Asner, and Keith Emerson. The most shy celeb I ever meet was cartoonist Gary Larson (Far Side).
38 posts
Jan 30, 2012
10:43 PM
Stephen Nichols, a star of "The Young and the Restless," grew up in my Northgate neighborhood. I remember Steve, a bit older than my friends and me, wandering the hood in his old fatigue jacket, long blond hair, and sometimes deigning to play us kids in a game of driveway basketball... Nice guy.
Bryan St.John
7 posts
May 08, 2012
11:06 AM
John Ritter and Amy Yasbeck?? They got Married In Wilmington at her grandpas theater there, I saw them but did not get to meet them. George Carlin also met and Married his wife here In Dayton at the Pine Club. Hanging out behind hara arena after the wrestling matches I got to meet alot of those guys
82 posts
May 09, 2012
8:11 AM
Calhoun, Ch 7 used to cover the Dayton Air Show extensively and sent a crew to interview Chuck Yeager at Edwards AFB where he broke the sound barrier. The two people (including one of our best known anchors) we sent said Yeager was an absolute asshole.
11 posts
Sep 12, 2012
4:53 PM
I have several 'brushes with fame' of varying degrees over the years: 1. I dated both Penny and Leslie Cash prior to their time in Vicki and the Rest all-girl band. 2. Met Alex Haig in Vietnam 3. Met Ross Perot in Laos 4. As a sub letter carrier I delivered Phil Donahues mail when he lived in Centerville. 5. As a volunteer at the Air Force Museum I met TONS of famous people that were from the world of aviation. 6. In the late '50s I lived in Germany as a dependent (my Dad was an Army officer) and we lived in Army housing called Benjamin Franklin Village. I just found this out about a month ago--the girl I knew there as 'Faye' was Faye Dunaway!! She went with a guy who lived on the other end of the building I lived in, and she lived about 500 feet down the same street!! She is 7 years older than me.
24 posts
Nov 18, 2013
2:52 PM
Back in the late 60's, Joey Heatherton came to town to perform in a Kenley Player's production. I worked at Marion's on Shroyer and Marion used to have the whole cast over on Thursday night after the performance. He was "smitten" with Joey and let her do anything she wanted to do, including make her own pizza. We could not believe it when he escorted her back to the counter and helped her put together her pizza. That had never happened before and never happened again. When it was ready, he drafted me to help her put it into the pizza oven. I was a teenage bioy standing really close to a gorgeous real live actress. She really had no idea how to slide the pizza into a 500+ degree oven and bumped into me as I was trying not to drop the pizza. I got razzed for days about putting the move on her, but I must say that there was a certain new status that I picked up that evening. Met a number of others; Jonathan Winters, Paul Lynde (sp?) in passing and I'm sure they don't remember me, but Joey made a friend for life that night.
27 posts
Nov 18, 2013
3:37 PM
Excellent, excellent topic. Since I believe there is no limit to the number of brushes with fame and notoriety, I will start out with one that was pretty exciting for me. I participated in the Kerry-Edwards campaign in 2004 and I was a driver on the Kerry-Edwards Southwest Ohio rally the last week of the campaign. The rally started in Dayton and there were a half dozen rallys from Dayton at 1:00 PM in Dayton and ended up in Jackson, Ohio on a farm at 9:00 that evening. Then we were in a motorcade to Columbus to Kerry’s hotel in downtown Columbus for a party in the hotel Ballroom. Myself and several other campaign workers didn’t get back to Dayton until 2:00 or 3:00 AM. Great motorcade with several Greyhound buses and a dozen highway patrol cruisers going full speed down Route 35. My job and another worker was to travel behind the main motorcade and pick up large campaign signs all the way to Jackson. Kerry, our present Secretary of State, was a very interesting and gracious host. Interesting piece of trivia was the driver dispatcher at the time was Nan Whaley.
luv my dayton
468 posts
Nov 19, 2013
6:40 AM
The walls at the Marion piazza on shroyer are covered with photos of the famous who were in town for the shows. What an offering Dayton had with the Kenley players and the talent hitting the city and money to be made. For a teenager back then and working at Marions there probably was the highlight of your young adult life. By the way I am an old timer and Marions still my favorite place. Love their Italian sub and tuna sub and sausage and mushroom pizza.
75 posts
Nov 19, 2013
9:33 AM
We used to go to Marion's specifically to see who was in town for the Kenley Players. We saw Joey Heatherton, Joanne Worley, Soupy Sales. Paul Lynde and so on and so on. One night Paul Lynde was signing autographs on menus for a long line of fans.I took a menu and signed my name to it and stood in line with everyone else. When I got to the front of the line i handed it to him and said, "I thought you could use a little break so here's one for you". He looked at it, showed it to everyone else at the table, laughed and thanked me. I still sometimes mention that I gave my autograph to Paul Lynde.
175 posts
Nov 19, 2013
11:53 AM
Met Kit Carson (tv cowboy)at old Seville restruant which became KingCole.Met Hoppalong at State Fidelity bank and opened up a hoppalong account.Met orville wright at his house on trick or treat night.Got glazed doughnut and cider and autograph in his sisters book that she wrote about her brothers escapades.Ke andersons autograph on a bar tab in the bowling alley in Willmington and he predicted super bowl trip that year.
53 posts
Nov 25, 2013
1:49 PM
I thought I had posted this story on this site, some time back, but don't see it in this subject matter.
During my high school days at Chaminade, 57-61, there was a Friday night dance in the basment of the Loretto (spelling?) building, north side of First St., west of Ludlow. The dance was called CAYODA, Catholic Youth Of Dayton.
In my freshman year one Friday evening, I took the Oakwood bus with some buddies, getting off at Main and Second St. We were walking west on Second, passing Rike's, when a distinguished gentleman came walking out of the hotel that used to be at the rear of Rike's (was it the Van Cleve?). The man was heading towards a long, black Cadillac limo, parked at the curb.
He glanced in our direction, and I immediately knew who he was. I said to my buddies, apparently loud enough for the man to hear, "...that's Louie Armstrong!". He looked back at me, smiling, and said, in his inimitable way, "YEAHhhhh". We all just laughed and waved, then continued on our way to the dance. We had quite a story to tell everyone.
Last Edited by JJCofMAINE on Nov 25, 2013 2:03 PM
54 posts
Nov 25, 2013
2:18 PM
I see several references to Kenley players in this thread. Although I didn't meet these people, "head-on", I did experience a brush, of sorts.
I used to work in the Knot building, corner of 4th and Main. There was a vending-machine area on the 6th floor, near an exit out to the roof of the parking garage that was on the corner of 4th and Jefferson.
I would take a break in the summer afternoons, getting a soft drink from the vending machine, then walk out onto the parking garage. Going to the far north side of that garage, I could look right down to the swimming pool of the hotel that abutted the garage. Many of the Kenley players stayed there, and would use the pool.
One afternoon, there were three adults, lounging about the deck of the pool, and one young boy who was in the pool. At one end of the pool, lounging and reading a paper, or book, was Bill Bixby. On another lounge, just below me, was the singer, "Little" Leslie Gore (remember, "It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To" ?). Just off to Ms Gore's right was "just another lady", not anyone I recognized.
The boy in the pool started splashing, and some of his spray doused Leslie. She bolted out of her lounge, obviously shocked by the sudden, unexpected shower of cold water. She turned to the other lady and screamed, "Can't you take care of your kid?", storming off the pool deck and through the doors, into the hotel.
The stunned lady looked across the pool to Bill Bixby, who had lowered his book to see what had just transpired, and said, "...that's not my kid".
Every time I hear Leslie Gore's music (she did have at least one other song, "Now It's Judy's Turn To Cry"), I think of that episode. I wonder if Bill Bixby filler her in on the embarrassing details that she left at the pool?