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Dayton Memories > Wilkinson St & Third, 1968
Wilkinson St & Third, 1968
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Vicki 99
1 post
Dec 19, 2008
9:22 AM
What building was at Wilkinson and Third in 1967-70 time frame? We were stationed at WPAFB for 6 months back during that time frame, and I think it was a large department store??? Does anyone have any photos of that intersection? We moved back here around 6 years ago and whenever I ask someone, they think it may have been Rike's. I can't remember right off hand what the year was, but my husband worked at the Dayton Mall right after it opened at the Sears Store.

It is just one of those places I remember.
18 posts
Dec 19, 2008
2:28 PM
Ywca was on the NE corner. Old PO on the SE Corner a resturant on SW corner and the Bicycle Club NW corner. Rikes was 1st and Main.
15 posts
Dec 19, 2008
4:13 PM
I think Rikes was 2nd and Main. There is another building at 1st & Main that has been there a long time.
Vicki 99
2 posts
Dec 23, 2008
3:50 PM
Thanks both of you. All I recall is a large concrete building. It must have been the old PO. It's nice to read about some of the places "that used to be".
2 posts
Dec 29, 2008
8:39 PM
The Clckety Clack restaurant was on one of the corners of Third St. but I don't remember which one. They had a train that ran around the walls. I'm not sure when they closed, sometime in the early 60s?
21 posts
Aug 23, 2009
1:27 AM
The Clickety Clack was on the SW corner, YWCA on the NE, White tower on the NW and the U.S. Post Office was on the SE corner. I put away a many a breaded veal cutlets in the old clickety clack. but this was not on wilkinson. it was the next street west 3rd and sinclair maybe. it was right down from Sacred heart Church. there was never a large department store at 3rd and wilkinson. you are thinking of either Rikes at 2nd and main or Elder Beermans at 3rd and Main.

Last Edited by on Aug 23, 2009 1:32 AM
73 posts
Aug 23, 2009
8:00 AM
Elders was at 4th and Main, I worked there for a Xmas season along about 1958. That was my first real job other than a morning paper route. That was the year I learned about black snow from the auto exhausts. Not fun.

Third and Main on the north west corner was the courthouse, behind that was a jail and on the southwest corner was a jewelry store, Mayer's maybe. I have no idea what was on the other side of Main St. For a short time I was a member of the Wall Gang although there were no meetings, we basically sat on the courthouse wall and looked at people. I guess it really was not a gang since there were no leaders there were guys you didn't mess with like Tim Healy or 'Little Mike' Kenny. Tim had a reputation as a stomper if you messed with him. I avoided fighting.

Last Edited by on Aug 23, 2009 8:06 AM
6 posts
Aug 23, 2009
8:39 AM
The YWCA was at the NE corner of 3rd and Wilkinson. I worked there as a security guard for close to 6 years. I remember in the 70's there were a bunch of us used to sit on the steps and wall at the old court house and I remember hearin there were a gang named the Stompers. I don't ever remember seeing any fights there through.
3 posts
Aug 24, 2009
12:56 PM
WONE and WTUE were in the building at the southwest corner. I worked there later.
75 posts
Aug 24, 2009
4:46 PM
Riverdale Rat, by 1967 I was in New Orleans and I did get into the Flower Child, Love-in movement and in fact I went from May of 1969 to July of 2004 between haircuts, lol. In 69 I only had my hair evened out from no longer cutting it. My hair was finally cut in the summer of 04 by a neurological surgery team in a hospital in Phoenix, Az. They cut my hair, cut my beard and mustache and what bothered me the most was they clipped off my pointy eyebrows which could at times look like wings and other times like horns. lol

I missed the Dayton scene. New Orleans was like going back in time about 40 years, really. One of the first people that I became friends with was a jr. member of the KKK. I did my best to change his mind about that.

As I stated I knew some of the original Riverdale Rats from the mid to late Fifties. I liked Marion's on Hudson and north Main and avoided lower Riverdale as I was gang jumped and pounded on a bit, no serious injuries.

The people from Dayton that I know by name, Randy Tipton, 44 Victor, Terry Burris, Dennis Hahn, Bill Stackhouse, Paul Souder, Don and Butch Bratton, Charles Buck, Sherwood Alles, brother John WIlliams, sisters Patty and Virginia.

Who did you know in the Rats and in what period? I knew Jimmy (Spike) Deaton, James Gibson and Jim Allen.
47 posts
Aug 24, 2009
7:25 PM
rodat6: I guess I must be an impersonator. Riverdale Rat was just a screen name I picked out of the wild blue yonder. I never knew there was such a thing as the Riverdale rats. you were riverdale a tad bit before my time and a minor geography difference. I was there in the early to late 60s and I was lower Riverdale but I never jumped or pounded anybody unless it was pure self defense. pounding on people would have got me pounded by my dad. all of the cops knew me and knew my dad so it never took long for word to reach the house.the cop that enjoyed making problems for me the most was Elmo Carey, sometimes I would swear that he had nothing better to do than snoop into my buisness and shadow me. looking back I can see that he was a good person and was just making sure that I stayed out of trouble but it never seemed that way back then.lol

Last Edited by on Aug 24, 2009 7:30 PM
24 posts
Dec 16, 2011
2:58 AM
I heard tell of a lady who used to go to the Corner of Third and Main and stand on the steps in front of the Court House, look up and predict the weather.
After a few weeks of this someone finally asked her how she did it.
She said she just listened to the weather on the radion before she came down.

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