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Dayton Memories > Vandalia
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166 posts
Feb 21, 2014
5:43 PM
Copson, HOOT Gibson had a few satations in the Dayton area, with a T-bird with bthe Big Hat at each station. I knew Hoot personally and you couldn't ask for a better man.
Richard Cope
1 post
Oct 06, 2014
6:18 AM
I recently posted a photo of Ohio state routes 40 & 25 intersection, in Vandalia, that has the front of the Vandalia cafeteria visible. Not a very good photo, has a lot of history as little of that intersection is the same now.
27 posts
Mar 29, 2015
1:30 PM
They should never have let the national trap shooting event get away.
279 posts
Mar 29, 2015
1:44 PM
Restiva, I agree. The Ameatur Trapshooting Association was a great boost to the economy for not only Vandalia, but a 60 mile radius around Vandalia.
The City of Dayton pushed them out to Sparta, IL.. There were two events held there a year. The Ohio State Trapshooting Association's in June, then the Grand American in August. Sadly, there are not any buildings left. Thanks to Rhine McLin and the then Director, of the Dayton International Airport.

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