37 posts
Sep 01, 2011
6:49 PM
Anycody remember Country Kitchen, I think on Far Hills(?) ?
11 posts
Sep 02, 2011
5:37 AM
The Country Kitchen was on Wilmington Pike, just north of Dorothy Lane. At least that's where it was when I moved to Kettering in the early 70's. There was also one in north Dayton, Keowee, maybe. In the fifties, my brother-in-law and some of his friends would drive down to Dayton to get their big burger, the Country Boy. I think the slogan was "A Meal Under A Bun"
Last Edited by on Sep 02, 2011 5:37 AM
269 posts
Sep 02, 2011
8:21 AM
Kitchen was on Wilmington and Dorothy Lane. You might be thinking of the Frisches on Keowee or the Parkmoor on N Main. These were the hangouts for us car guys and there are LOTS of discussions about these places on here - use the search function. Many of us practically lived at these places in the late 60's early 70's. I'd LOVE to see any pics someone might have of these places. OH WHY didn't I take pics back then? ----------
 87 Buick GN
67 posts
Sep 03, 2011
7:05 AM
Ol'Roy is correct. There was also a Country Kitchen at 1614 Keowee St. at Stanley Ave. ----------
39 posts
Sep 04, 2011
1:55 PM
The many hours I spent there. My word!!
270 posts
Sep 04, 2011
3:06 PM
Nile - what years? I practically lived there on weekends 67-71 ----------
 87 Buick GN
77 posts
Sep 08, 2011
6:09 PM
remember going there from 1956 thru 1959 there was a gas station on the corner then country kitchen then frisches
29 posts
Sep 09, 2011
8:49 PM
Us Trotwood girls would cruise them all in one evening. Go from Frischs Trotwood, to Parkmoor Main St, Frischs Keowee and then to Country Kitchen in Kettering. Actually remember some nights when we did the circuit 2-3 times - back in 68-69 when gas didnt cost much!!
42 posts
Sep 10, 2011
9:53 PM
During the summer of 1963 I worked at the Frisch's on Woodman and was quitting to move to California. The assistant manager told me about something with the understanding that I was to tell no one before I left, especially the manager. He excitedly drew out a plan of what his own restaurant was to look like, with the property that wrapped around having entrances on Dorothy Lane and Wilmington Pike. I was back to living with my parents in Kettering by December but I don't remember when the Country Kitchen was built or what the business was right on the northeast corner of Wilmington and Dorothy that the property went around. I only remember that it was open no later than 1965.
Last Edited by on Sep 10, 2011 9:56 PM
271 posts
Sep 11, 2011
6:15 AM
I graduated in 65, went to Ohio U for a year and my first rememberance of going to the Kitchen was in my dad's F-85 Olds with a "FORD - Breakfast of Champions" sign in the rear window. I would bet that was the summer of 66.
The business on the actual corner of Dorothy Lane and Wilmington was I believe a service station. It was pretty cool that you could come in off of Dorothy Lane, cruise through and exit on Wilmington. Then go around and do it again. IF you were lucky enough to get a parking spot, you stayed forever.
I remember in probably 68 I had a silver 66 vette conv with a nasty 427 L-88 engine in it and I came through with the headers open and did a huge burnout behind that gas station and got thrown out.
Fischers1951 - I dated a girl from Trotwood a few times that worked with me at E F McDonalds in downtown Dayton - probably about 1969-70. I remember us going to a movie downtown in the snow. Vettes were NOT meant to be driven in the snow but no one told me HA
 87 Buick GN
Last Edited by on Sep 11, 2011 6:19 AM
40 posts
Sep 12, 2011
6:47 PM
I graduated from Fairview in 1964. So, I was doing the "circuit" (Parkmoor on Main, Country Kitchen out on Wilmington, Hasty Tasty or one of the places [Parkmoor, Frisches?] on Shroyer Rd (?), in 1962, 63, 64, 65. Went in the USAF in 1965. There was a waitress at the Country Kitchen named Paddlefoot. Wow did she hate that nickname but we used to get her all riled up. She really was a nice girl. Gosh, did I like Dayton. I just loved it. Dayton was my Paradise.