8 posts
Aug 12, 2011
8:22 AM
I recall this from my early days in Dayton:
Steve Kirk from WING Radio. Steve was a member of the Dayton Ski Club for a number of years. He left the Miami Valley I think in the mid 90's to live in Florida. Richie Allen, the "Duke of Dayton" (he jokingly referred to himself as "The Who Of Where?") from around 40 years ago. Steve knew Richie and told me that Richie had moved I believe to New York. David G. McFarland, I don't know if he's still doing radio work, but he runs a DJ hosting business in the Dayton area. WONE-AM, Star 98 with Bucks Braun in the morning, mostly from the 90's (he did the show for a number of years with his uncle, the late TV personality Bob Braun) WHIO-AM and the morning show with Lou Emm. I believe Lou also was working for WONE when he died. The original WHIO-FM, 99.1 WLSN-FM, Greenville. They picked up on the Easy Listening format after WHIO became WHKO and then switched to Country/Western music. WCLR-FM, same thing, that genre is really now gone from broadcast radio, although you can still find it on some internet radio stations.
29 posts
Aug 15, 2011
4:42 AM
Didn't David G McFarland host the bowling for dollars show on TV?
7 posts
Aug 15, 2011
6:48 AM
One of the WING DJ's during the early sixties "Skinny Bobby" Harper. He was at WING for a year or so around 1963.
Later, he was at a station in Atlanta where he worked with the guy who came up with the idea for the "WKRP In Cincinnati" series. Harper was the inspiration for the Dr. Johnny Fever character.
12 posts
Aug 15, 2011
8:18 AM
"Didn't David G McFarland host the bowling for dollars show on TV?"
I think you're right!
148 posts
Aug 15, 2011
3:37 PM
Former WTUE DJ Tom Carroll now works for Clear Channel here in Dayton.
47 posts
Aug 15, 2011
9:36 PM
wow last i knew tom carroll was out at hara,good for tom,clear channels pretty did anyone ever win one of those cars,i remember wanting a barracuda,that i think wing was giving away,they were always giving great stuff it seems,ok caller #9
64 posts
Aug 16, 2011
8:18 AM
Tom Carroll is a great guy and was my boss at WTUE when I shared mornings with B-Man, John Beaulieu
150 posts
Aug 16, 2011
9:20 AM
Bigmo, Tom and I were neighbors as kids and is a FACEBOOK friend of mine. He has on it a bunch of photos of his WTUE days that are really cool.
Last Edited by on Aug 16, 2011 9:22 AM
151 posts
Aug 16, 2011
9:36 AM
Bigmo and thomas6, Tom was a dispatcher just out of high school for the Englewood Police Department. He sounded as professional as a dispatcher over the police channels as he would later on WTUE! The cops used to call him "the guy with the golden voice." In fact, they were very sad to see him leave.
Last Edited by on Aug 16, 2011 9:38 AM
57 posts
Aug 16, 2011
11:04 AM
The late, great Gil Whitney will always be my hero. His storm warnings saved a lot of folks in April '74. And he nailed it when he predicted the blizzard of '78.
65 posts
Aug 16, 2011
11:44 AM
Do you remember Jeff Curry on WTUE? He shared mornings with Tony Kale (Curry and Kale - pronounced "cal"). He later became a Georgia State Trooper for many years. Curry and I did "Miami Valley Vice" episodes on WTUE every Friday morning for nearly two years in the mid 80s. Tom Carroll was programming director then.
13 posts
Aug 16, 2011
12:53 PM
Here's another: Dewey Hopper, the weatherman from Channel 2.
maxed out
300 posts
Aug 16, 2011
1:47 PM
joeferrara.... I believe Dewey is a member of DHBO ... I remember him posting a few times... That's been a year or so ago. Maybe he will read our posts and come back into our postings.
153 posts
Aug 16, 2011
7:28 PM
Bigmo, I was living in Evansville, Indiana when you guys did Miami Valley Vice, but I later heard about it.
54 posts
Aug 19, 2011
5:37 AM
There was also Tom Mann from WAVI talk radio. Anyone know what become of him or Brad Clay?
Last Edited by on Aug 19, 2011 5:37 AM
55 posts
Aug 19, 2011
1:02 PM
Dewey Hopper used to carry an umbrella on the air. I lived in Phoenix, Az from 78 to 81 courtesy of the Air Force and he showed up there on a local tvchannel carrying that same umbrella. ----------
Last Edited by on Aug 19, 2011 1:04 PM
Riverdale Ghost
226 posts
Aug 20, 2011
5:02 AM
Quote = PaulH
Dewey Hopper used to carry an umbrella on the air. I lived in Phoenix, Az from 78 to 81 courtesy of the Air Force and he showed up there on a local tvchannel carrying that same umbrella. Unquote
I thought Arizona was ultra dry. (Never been there, so I don't know such things.)
Honest Communications Is The Foundation of Civilizations.
56 posts
Aug 20, 2011
4:57 PM
Riverdale Ghost-- It does indeed rain in Southen Arizona. Usually in the winter or early springtime. At least when I lived there. Summers are way hotter and drier. I've seen 118 degrees F there. But this is a Dayton stories blog, so I'll save my Az stories for another time. ----------
16 posts
Aug 20, 2011
5:48 PM
The names just keep coming. Mark Viviano. He used to do weekend sports at WDTN, channel 2 and is currently the sports director for WJZ-TV in Baltimore.
10 posts
Aug 22, 2011
9:03 AM
How about Dan Pugh who worked at WVUD, WTUE and WDTN before going on to ESPN and now NBC Sports as Dan Patrick? Another sports guy was Len Berman, also at Channel 2 in the seventies, and later with CBS Sports.
Julie Chen, host of CBS' Big Brother, among other things, was at WDTN in the mid-nineties. Johnny Gilbert, the announcer on Jeopardy, hosted a morning show on Channel 2 for a couple of years back in the sixties.
64 posts
Aug 22, 2011
9:10 PM
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Phil Donahue, whos talk show began in Dayton, before moving on to "the big time" in national syndication.
F16 1UB
27 posts
Aug 31, 2011
7:35 PM
Whio sports announcers Tom Hamlin & Charlie Hinkle used to have many on air differences. Although I was very young 8-9 I remember my parents always talking about these two. I wasn't interested in news but back then it was a 1 TV house.
36 posts
Sep 01, 2011
6:47 PM
Anybody remember Ignatz Hammerschlob?
302 posts
Sep 02, 2011
5:21 AM
Ignatz was Jack Jacobson. He died two yrs. ago at age 88 I believe.He had moved to Arizona. He also played Nosey the Clown.
Last Edited by on Sep 02, 2011 5:24 AM
Northridge Kid
104 posts
Sep 02, 2011
6:43 PM
I used to watch him as the door man on your evening theater.Around 1958 I think.Always had a long coat on and some kind of hat.
78 posts
Sep 08, 2011
6:19 PM
any one remember Jolly Rogers on WONE in the late 50's a real nice guy who went out west and bought a small FM station
4 posts
Sep 14, 2011
7:03 PM
Somewhere around 1957-58, there was asong by a group, The Del Vikings, titled "Come Go With Me". Does anyone remember the day one of the Dayton D.J.'s (I believe it was on WONE) locked himself in his booth and played that song, continuously, for about 2-3 hours?
67 posts
Sep 15, 2011
11:16 AM
I didn't live in this area then, but that was a common stunt at radio stations that occurred in every market for many years. Someone at the Xenia station - I've forgotten their former call letters -- at 103.9 claimed to lock himself in the studio and played Bon Jovi's Livin on a Prayer for hours. I worked in radio. Studios don't have door latches nor locks. They're dead quiet when opened or closed.
73 posts
Oct 18, 2011
7:09 PM
I remember Phil Donahue before he worked at Channel 2. But his first "talk" shows, performed without the audience were at WHIO where he was a TV and Radio news reporter and worked on the WHIO radio call-in show "Conversation Piece". This show I believe also sometimes used the talents of Ted Ryan and Von Crabell. They may have also used Harry Butler for gardening shows (Harry was really into gardening) and others from the staff from time to time.
The original Phil Donahue show on TV 2 was a sudden replacement for the Johnny Gilbert show -- a musical variety show. Johnny a night club performer originally became a network announcer and did the original "Price is Right" show with Bill Cullens after Don Pardo (later of Saturday Night Live Fame) left the Price is Right. Then Johnny moved to Dayton to pursue a career as a variety show host. After two years he left Avco's Channel 2 for New York, leaving the time-slot vacant. Phil Donahue, who was a newsman at TV 2 at the time was put in as an emergency replacement, using the telephone call-in format he learned and helped develop at WHIO on Conversation Piece. I have been told (but have no proof) that the original Channel 2 Phil Donahue shows used an audience originally planning to see the Johnny Gilbert show.
(Johnny Gilbert, after leaving Dayton became quite successful himself and has since been an announcer on many of the most popular daytime game shows.)
74 posts
Oct 18, 2011
7:12 PM
Tom Hamlin (WHIO TV Sportscaster) was not related to Ed Hamlin (WLW-D TV Newsman), but the two often got mail intended for the other.
62 posts
Oct 19, 2011
2:12 PM
I remember my mom calling in to one of those phone in shows, I thought it was Conversation Piece. In my perhaps faulty memory, Bob Sweeney was the moderator. The only reason I even remember it was because he said that "Faith is a pretty name".
125 posts
Oct 23, 2011
5:59 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Barry Hobart-Dr Creep of channel 22-who left us this year. Malcolm Macleod who was also on Clubhouse 22 now sells high end real estate in FL
187 posts
Oct 23, 2011
7:20 PM
When I was about 5 years old (1953) my mom and I were on the Wendy Barrie show. Apparently Wendy would invite people from the viewing audience who wrote fan letters to "sit on the couch" with her and her guests. We went to the channel 7 studio - at that time out in the country on Wilmington Drive before there was a Kettering. Pinky Lee was on the show and my mom had to decorate a cake for his birthday and he wound up getting it in the face. How wonderful it would be to have a tape of that show! Of course it was a local show done live before they did that kind of thing.