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Dayton Memories > Eleanor McCann
Eleanor McCann
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2 posts
May 10, 2007
7:52 PM
Has anyone have any information about Eleanor McMann
who lived in Oakwood and was well known for her musical
career. Also, she was in the class of 1925 at the Moraine
Park School.

Thank you.
1 post
May 11, 2007
5:31 AM

Eleanor McCann passed away in March of 2004. Eleanor
was one of the last residents to move from the old
Robert Blvd. She moved in 1964 right before the street
was paved over for I-75.

Thanks - icsalum

Last Edited by on May 11, 2007 5:32 AM
1 post
Oct 11, 2007
12:28 PM
Thanks for posting the information about Ms. McCann. She was my neighbor when I was a little girl and she also taught me how to play the piano. She always had such interesting stories about Dave Brubeck and Leonard Bernstein. My family used to visit her after we moved away from Dayton, but we lost touch with her. It is sad to hear of her passing. She was a neat lady. Her house was pink on the outside and green on the inside!
1 post
Mar 17, 2008
9:23 AM
Does anyone have a photograph (electronic or hardcopy) of Eleanor McCann? She was my music teacher (piano and organ) from childhood into early adulthood. I am setting up my music room at home and it would be a fitting tribute to have her picture by the piano and organ. She taught me how to play the pipe organ and gave me the opportunity to subsitute for her at the Veterans Administration chapel while she visited family in New England. Please send any information or photographs to mskeans@woh.rr.com.

Best regards,

1 post
May 02, 2008
7:56 AM
I have a photo of Eleanor McCann you might like. She is with a group of Dayton pianists, many of them teachers (including my mother, Mabel Poland Phillips Berges). I will be scanning it for email. It was taken in the 70's; also shown in the photo: Betty Stewart, Madam Conus, Alverda Fitzgerald, Margaret Senne, and 3 unknowns: 2 women (one named Phyllis), and a man.

I am looking for information and photos of my mother, Mabel Poland Phillips Berges, who concertized and taught piano in Dayton for 50 years. She performed 2-piano concerts in the 60's-70's with Betty Stewart; had a piano performance radio show early last century with my Aunt, Arcelia Stryker Hinton Wilson. I'll be posting a new topic 'Pianists of Dayton' on this site.
1 post
Apr 12, 2011
5:53 PM
Eleanor McCann was my grandmother's cousin. I was lucky to know Eleanor most of my life and now own one of her pianos. I would be happy to talk with anyone interested in her life.
9 posts
Apr 20, 2011
7:29 AM
HollyMCC...I bet I used to play your piano. I believe it was a 9ft Steinway Grand. Eleanor had two of them. The one one the left side of the room was for lessons and occasionally she let me play the "other" one. She was a great lady... one that I will never forget! I continue to search for photos of her but have not had success.
3 posts
Apr 12, 2012
4:10 AM
HollyMCC, Eleanor saved my sanity when I was a kid. Sometimes instead of a lesson she would take me downtown in her tan VW convertible and we'd shop for music. Great fun! She wore a scarf and sunglasses and drove FAST! I loved her - lessons from 4 to 12 yrs. If you're out there, please contact me.

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